Within our laurel's blooms I spy by chance
two catbirds, improvising ear to ear,
as each upon the other's art descants.
I stand in awe of how the two cohere.
Aware of me, perhaps, they flush, and clear
the laurel, soaring to our neighbor's orchard
and leave the scrawny poet in me tortured.
leland jamieson (click blog title to go to home page)
In all the years we lived in the mountains of West Virginia, one of the most cherished experiences I have is of becoming familiar with Mountain Laurel. It thrives throughout the woodlands there. It is such a delicate pink flowering plant and has blooms are that are so beautifully structured and intricate.
Gray Catbird courtesy of Wikibooks.org
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Thank you for picking up my little poem. I'm glad you like it. You are welcome to use it. Actually my own website is now www.lulu.com/lelandjamieson, and my blog, "Readers, Poets, Meter and Rhyme" is at http://lelandjamieson.blogspot,com/ . Glad to have you visit and join the conversation there.
Leland Jamieson
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