My billowing sails will hold, though tempests lash and tear!
The hungry waves in fury seek to rend me bow to stern, undaunted I remain...
My Captain steers our course into the sun.
I am the Light. Though monstrous shadows lurk with cunning guile,
And seek to shroud the way . . . to cow the self with phantoms of the night,Courageously I shed my radiance . . .dispel the gloom.
I am the force That staunchly stands immovable and firm . . . foundations strong. Savagely protective . . . pliable . . . serene
I am the soul of adoration, weaving dreams of stardust , cosmic ecstacy.
I am the Alpha . . .the Omega . . . the dream . . . reality, that brings rich promise of eternities to come.
I am spirit led by love . . . your other self am I . . .
The song of hope that whispers in the breeze with soft caress, I beckon and entice towards mystic shores.Aspiration
by Ann Davies, 1943
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